I thought Dallas had the claim on "Cowboys." |
Good morning! Today should be our last full day in Wyoming. Tomorrow we'll be on route through Montana for the next 5ish days. Thankfully we aren't going through the entire state of Montana because it's HUGE. We decided to take the Trek route for the next two days and stay off of I 90. For these two days at least the Trek route is shorter; however, G should face the steepest part of his ride today. It's a 25 mile uphill beast. He explained to me that even though we're going in the opposite direction as the Trek route, you still will encounter the hill just from the other side. We'll be going through Bighorn National Forest home of the historic landmark the Medicine Wheel. (
And, no, I don't know what that is! I'll find out later!)
Beautiful pavement! This looks photo shopped, but it's not! |
More nothing |
Turns out there really wasn't anything for 60 miles yesterday. haha It worked out though because I met G 30 miles into the 60 miles, so he was refreshed and from that point there was a rest stop 30 miles past that. The views in Wyoming started off rather plainly; however, once the Rocky Mountains came into view (i'm just assuming they are the Rockies) the scenery became
picturesque. Driving through the 60 miles of NO services just reiterated our decision of getting Spearfish. You probably couldn't tell from her picture, but she has G's eyes. Those baby blues.
Currently, i'm at Starbucks in Sheridan, WY. I had all these preconceived visions of WY having nothing, but the two towns we've stayed at so far have had SB which I can't say for most other rural places we've stayed. Yesterday, early afternoon, as I as waiting for G at the last rest stop I
The Fix in Buffalo, WY |
spent time at a local coffee shop that was SO cute and diverse! It had specialty coffees/cheese from the Basque region in Spain and in Italy. They promote their business as having a European flair.
We still really don't know quite what to expect from Montana. We've been researching how to avoid the Rockies as much as possible, but it's inevitable. You can't get to England without crossing an ocean! Once we get past Montana, I feel like it'll be the home stretch. It's just a day or two in Idaho. 2-3 in Washington, 2-3 in Oregon then the Pacific. I'm already envision myself bawling like a baby when he dips his wheel in the Pacific.
Also, the way I figure is that the both of us have ice breaker statements to last us our entire lives. Next time i'm in a meeting, conference, new grad class, etc and I get told, "Share something interesting about yourself." BAM! Beat that!
When you turn the sink on the blue light appears! |
Our high tech motel key!! It's like a flat USB. |
Touch screen! No more looking down. It syncs up to my Iphone music! |
If Hollywood ever decides to come knocking on our door and make a movie or even TV movie of our journey here's who would play us. LOL
Hugh Lauire (using his American accent) & Kristen Kreuk |
Here's a video if me waiting for G:
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