Training Schedule

The following is provided so I can look back and see what I may have done right or wrong in my preparation for the trip. If it helps you too, then great!
5-11-14 Sun.
26 mi. 203lbs
13.39 mph on Jenard

5-4-14 Sun.
47 mi. 199lbs
10.26 mph  on Jenard

5-3-14 Sat.
55 mi 200lbs
11.5 mph on Jenard

4-22-14 Tue.
15.5 mi 197lbs
15.5 mph on Rootbeer

4-21-14 Mon.
14.6 mi 197lbs
16.4 mph on Jenard

4-20-14 Sun.
27.87 mi 197lbs
12.93 mph on Rootbeer

4-19-14 Sat.
27.89 mi 197 lbs
13.36 mph on Jenard

4-18-14 197 lbs
14.5 mi ride on Rootbeer 14.5 mph

4-17-14  -  197 lbs
Stationary bike  - 30 min 20.5 mph
Ellyptical - 20 minutes
Swim - 40 minutes
14.6 mi ride on Jenard 14.8 mph

4-16-14 Wednesday
Mini-Iron Man!  Well actually, more like a mini-mini Iron Man....
Maybe not Iron...perhaps more Aluminum...or Copper....ya Copper.
2 Miles Walk w/J
3.5 mile bike ride on Gee Force 2
1 hour swim at Healthtrax

4-14-14  Monday
205 lbs
2 hrs exploring Portland's bicycle trails
with J.

4-12-14 Saturday
205 lbs
27.9 mi on Rootbeer! Maiden Voyage!
14.08 mph

4-11-14 Fri.
205 lbs
14.63 mi. on Jenard (early morning ride)
13.58 mph

4-9-14 Wed.
205 lbs
14.69 mi. on Jenard
15. 52 mph

4-8-14 Tuesday
205 lbs
14.61 mi. on Jenard
15.68 mph

205 lbs
14.61 mi on Jenard
14 mph

3 mi walk for MS in Cheshire
10 mi ride on Cheshire bike path

205 lbs
14.61 mi on Jenard
14 mph

4-3-14 Thu.
27.7 mi
12.6 mph
2:11:27 hrs

4-2-14 Wed
205 lbs
14.6 mi on Gee Force 2 (see journal)
15.1 mph

4-1-14 Tue
205 lbs
16.1 mph
14.6 mi on JENARD!

3-30-14 Stats
203 lbs.
14.6 mi on Gee Force 2

Sun. March 23 196lbs
Stationary Bike 1hr 22.58mph
Swim 15min

Thu. March 20 198lbs
Gee Force 2  14.59mi   
13.9mph avg  
16.63mph avg moving speed

Note: The past two rides, Map My Tracks has come up with a LARGE difference between my overall time and my moving time (about 8 minutes) .  This is what account for the difference between my avg speed and my avg moving speed. The problem is, once I start the clock, I'm only NOT moving for about a minute or two.

Possible Solution: The difference MIGHT be the fact that I've been putting the smartphone in my pocket.  In the past, it sits on a pack that's mounted on the top tube.  I'll put it there next time and see what happens. 

Mon. March 17  198 lbs
Stationary Bike 1hr 22.2 mph

Sun. March 16

Stationary Bike 1hr 20.6 mph

Sat. March 15
Slow Ride while J walked 2 miles
Fast Ride 2miles

Sun. March 9
Gee Force 2  14.59 mi  12mph

Sat. Mrch 8
Gee Force 2 14.7mi  14mph
Wed. March 19 198lbs
Gee Force 2  14.17mi  
14.08 mph avg
16.2 mph avg moving speed

Wed. March 5
Stationery Bike 60 min  22mph

Tue. March 4

Stationery Bike 60 min. 20.8 mph

Mon March 3 - nothing

Sun. March 2
Stationery Bike 30min  20 mph
Thu. March 6  198lbs
Roller Blade 15min
Stationery Bike 15min 22.6mph
Elliptical 15 mn
Swim 15mn

Sat. March 1
Stationery Bike  73 miles 15.8 mph

Thu and Fri -

Sick!  slight sore throat.

Wed. Feb. 26  200 lbs
Stationary Bike 30 min 20.1 mph

Tue. Feb 25  198 lbs
Rollerbade 15 min
Stationary Bike 15 min   21.6 mph
Elliptical 15 min

Swim 15 min.

Mon.  Feb 24  203 lbs

1 hr swim
45 min ballroom dancing

Sunday, Feb. 23  206lbs
5k walk with J
Stationary Bike - 45 min.  Avg spd. 18.6 mph
Rollerblade - 15 min
Elliptical - 15 min.
Swim - 15 min.

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