Let me back track and catch everyone up on yesterday before I get to the present. I left Depew and
Lake Erie Selfie |
I chilled by the beach for half an hour or so then had a pit stop at Tim Horton's. I calculated the time, and I figured that G would be passing me soon, so I texted him saying I had half a sandwich for him. He didn't see the text, and I watch him go right by the place. I run outside yelling, "G! G!" but it was too late. He was far off in the distance with a cloud of dust in my face.
Unfortunately, the heat was brutal yesterday. It was tough on G. The hardest day so far on this trip. He really wanted to blog last night because he met SO many awesome people, but I advised him to just relax and sleep. I think tonight he's planning on combining yesterday's events with today's.
Talk about trying to show G up. Geez. lol It's hilarious because where we were yesterday wasn't too far from Canada's border, and when the girls told G they were going to Vancouver he was NOT that impressed because he figured, "Oh big deal. Canada is right down the road." I am no geographic expert by any means, and when he told me this last night I said, "But, isn't Vancouver on the OTHER side of Canada? Like above Seattle, Washington?"
He felt super bad that he didn't realize this when he was talking with the Bike & Build people (every time I type that I want to type Build a Bear) because obviously NH to Vancouver IS a big deal. 3800 miles but each rider has to raise $4500 and half of that goes to their expenses (they only stay at campgrounds and hostels, no Jacuzzi rooms for them) and the other half goes to the charity. It's kind of like a Habitat for Humanity cause. They only ride 70 miles a day which lasts for 10 weeks.
One of the major cycling corporations DOES sponsor a Portland to Portland trip, too but it's like a gazillion dollars, and you stay at fancy hotels and bike like 50 miles a day for 3 months or something. It would be something to possssssibly consider but it lasts through September, and the kiddies gots to learn. Plus, we both are not fond of organized rides because G likes to stop and smell the roses when he rides (can't really do that in organized rides), and I'm just slow and cannot deal with the pressure of keeping up with everyone. There's nothing worse than the SAG wagon guy driving slowly next to you trying to give you tips. That's what my husband is for.
Another thing we noticed as of yesterday as we are approaching the Midwest is a change in words. For instance, people say, "Pedal Bike" instead of "Bicycle." Let me give you an example. G was in a gas station and told the lady he was going cross country on his bike, and she goes, "A pedal bike?" Apparently, this is to make the distinction from a bicycle and motorcycle. Also, we are in the land of "Pop." The waiter yesterday asked if we wanted "Pop." We talked about it in length, and he said if someone told him that he/she wanted "soda," he'd give him/her club soda.
We ate an amazing little place in the middle of nowhere last night. The Plummer's Tavern. If you are ever in
Grilled Smith's Bologna. Smith is the Oscar Mayer of this region. |
Now, onto this morning. G was on the road at...6:50 am!! SO COOL! He figured the earlier he started the earlier he could finish before the weather gets too too hot. I went ahead and drove through miles and miles of
Acres of vineyards |
This is the first time in 600+ miles that we've hit a rough and tough area. We are not in cow country anymore. Stupid me turned on Route 5 West-Alternate not Route 5 West. It was not a very friendly looking neighborhood at all. I was about 2 miles off the route, and I went back and found Route 5 West which was not any better. I saw the golden arches of Mecca at one point and pulled in thinking, "YES!" but I used my judgement after scanning the place and opted to keep on driving not only for me, but this is also the first time that I did not feel comfortable leaving the Rootbeer alone even with it being seen in the distance.
I texted G giving him a warning that once the vineyards are gone to be careful. I hate thinking about him riding his bike through this area. It's probably a good hour (10 miles) on the bike for him. I kept on driving, and i'm currently at a Burger King which is at a little area better than before. I'm hoping he stops here soon. By my calculations he should be riding by within the half hour.
In any case, we are in PA now. Eerie , PA. About 20 miles away from the border of Ohio!!! One of my best friends and her husband moved to Ohio, and I'm hoping we get to at least meet up for lunch or dinner or something in the next few days.
Have a good one!!
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