Miles Today: 87
Total Miles Ridden: 87
Miles to Go: 3,161
So here's the rundown: The phone battery died and the 30 mile Walkie Talkies are only good for about 10 feet, so for the last 3 hours of the trip, I was out there.... contact with my beloved J. But I made it!
The day was mostly pleasant. Even the finger packing Asian man smiled at me as I exited the boatramp area. I do, have a message for road ragers, and it goes like this:
Dear Road Rager,
Please know that not EVERY person that you find annoying has been sent there for you to personally scream, "A*# Hole!" at.
The cyclist travelling directly in front of you, and truck whose driver has pulled off to the side, but not far enough to the side for YOUR taste might just be travelers from a distant state, attempting to accomplish something bigger than the usual day in day out stuff.
They might be momentarily lost and in need of a few helping directions, or at the very least, a little patience on your part.
Courtesy is such a blessed virtue. Try it some time and see how awesome it feels.
Team Gerenifer
Now on the nicer side:
Dear Nice Lady at the General Store,
Thank you sooo much!!! The clerk wanted nothing to do with helping me, but you chimed in, asked me where I was going and helped me get exactly there! You took an interest in the overall journey I am taking and you were kind and sweet when wishing me a wonderful and exciting adventure. Your face was like that of a wise angel. You seemed to possess the inner happiness that comes from years of just being sweet to your fellow human beings. You have reinforced my faith in humanity. What a blessed life you must be living and how blessed I am to have come across your path. Thank you!
That being said, I learned a lot today. From now on, the Garmin will guide me (backed up by an actual physical map), the cell phone will track me (backed up by TWO spare batteries) and the walkie talkie will no longer add any extra weight to my bike.
The scenery: Absolutely gorgeous! If my phone hadn't died, I would have take a few pictures! Aside from the beautiful scenery, you also would have seen miles and miles of lawn/tag sales. Today it was as if crappy plastic toys and used books literally GROWS on the lawns out here, and bargain shoppers come by to harvest the crop.
Another item that there was no shortage of today was motorcycles. I've never seen so many since I was in Daytona during bike week. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against motorcycles. I own one! However, unless you're trying to compensate for some other deficiency, I don't see the need to have the thing be as loud as a thousand NYC jackhammers. I mean, there you are in the middle of God's country, enjoying the view and the calm, and then suddenly the gates of hell open up and send THOUSANDS of NYC jackhammer operators riding down the street on what LOOKS like a motorcycle, but is really an ear torturing jackhammer inside. But enough complaining. I think I have the solutionl.
I could suggest that we pass a law against them, but my economics training has given me a much better idea. We could actually make some money here by doing the following: charging a per decibel tax for every decibel above that which is socially acceptable.
Loud vehicles give pleasure to the loud vehicle driver and give pain to many other people that have to listen to them. In order to compensate the victims for hearing loss and general annoyance, the loud vehicle driver would pay the per decibel tax above which would go toward medical treatment and hearing aids for the victims. Any extra money would go toward fixing potholes. Everybody wins.
Enough for now, time for dinner. See you tomorrow!
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Dinner was wonderful and the company was and is the best part of the whole trip! |
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