J here: WOW. What an intense day so far. Let me back up from last night first. We had a very lovely dinner with a few friends and family that came up for our send off. Thanks, again! xoxo You guys rock, and we'll definitely get you some "Gerenifer Swag" from our travels.
Almost time! |
The boat ramp that we picked for G to dip his back wheel in the Atlantic Ocean was perfect. Easy access and gorgeous view. Although, as G was getting set up in the parking lot something bizarre happened. The rest of us were standing around talking totally not in the way of traffic, and we hear a repeated car horn honking. We slowly turn around and see a little old Asian man (I can say that because I'm Asian) in the passenger seat giving us the finger. Not just a quickie flip of the bird, but a hand high, middle finger perfectly erect, long lasting gesture that was for the duration of their drive past all of us. He and his wife never got out of the car either. They parked right in front of the boat ramp and stayed there. Aside from our family/friends, they were the only other people who witnessed G's wheel in the ocean and ride off. I felt we were either in a Hang Over movie or Betty White was going to jump out of the bushes and say "Gotcha!" (She has a hidden camera show that showcases senior citizens pranking people.) OR perhaps, they were fans? of the blog and wanted an up close view?
In any case, after G rode off in the Portland sun, I headed to Hillsborough, NH. It took me about 2 1/2 hours and seemed forever; however, I can't imagine riding there on a bike! G is an inspiration. It's going to
Getting ready! |
Best shot! Back wheel in the Atlantic! |
take some time before he and I get this pattern down. I think he's picking destinations by distance, but there's really nothing in Hillsborough. It's very small and not a lot of lodging choices. The few that were available were either all booked or sketchy or the establishment didn't pick up the phone! I tried a few surrounding towns and the same thing. Before we left, everyone kept asking me, "What are you going to do with all your free time?" Well, today's free time was limited. From 8:30-2:30 i've been driving around or pulled over doing Yelp searches or calling places. Also, i've driven the truck plenty of times, but it's still hard for me to turn around and maneuver it at points. Plus, I have Rootbeer on the back. It's got a super handy lock on it, but i'm still kind of afraid to leave it unattended. Therefore, as I type in the coffee shop, I made sure to have a good view. Furthermore, people here have not been that friendly. There's so much open space but no place to turn into incase you get lost. I made an executive decision to find a place in Concord aka big city. G is totally fine with that and will be joining me in a few hours.
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