Very happy!
Best gift ever, the G rated version:
There I was dishing up a huge dose of Civics instruction to my first period class and in walks L. Without a word, she crosses to the back of my classroom and puts a box on the back desk and then leaves. When I finally open it, it's a card that expresses support and enthusiasm for the trip J and me are about to take. Her words were open, honest, direct and simply one of the sweetest expressions of thought I have ever read.
But it didn't stop there: Along with the card were two necklaces: one had a little cyclist on it, and the other had a woman in what looked like a victory pose, arms in the air. By themselves, and accompanied by the card they were enough to make me start crying. But then when L showed me that they were actually two haves of one single coin, an Oregon quarter that she had had custom made for us, I was shocked....and inspired.
In the often jarring journey that all humans take, we sometimes focus so intently on our own paths, that we forget the beauty and wonder that our fellow humans are capable of. L reminded me of that beauty and I will remember her example forever. Thank you L!
Your friend,
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